unit 669


New member
unit 669

unit 669

maybe someone here is from (or knows good about it) and can please tell me how can you get there as a girl? I heared that there is only one fighting job there which is called `` Lochemet Refuit Muteset`` so how can you get there? which profile? does eye problem (-4) make you problem to get there and is it true that the army choose only 5 girls every 3 years? please... all information you have. thanks a lot me


New member
unit 669

unit 669

hey there ! i`m not quite sure about girls in the but i think it`s not a unit open for girls ... anyway you can read and learn a lot about this unit and on other special units in the site WWW.ISAYERET.COM good luck and i hope i`m wrong ...


New member
you can...

you can write in Hebrew, my computer just can`t write in Hebrew but I can read it. thanks anyway me